
since 1943

Once upon a time...

All the best stories begin like this, just like our story, which originates in the small town of Vinchio in the Monferrato region, in the family business of Laiolo Reginin where good wine is produced to be enjoyed and tasted slowly. A wine created by people who have always been passionate for their craft and eager to share with others the fruit of their work.

The Laiolo Reginin Wine Company has been cultivating vines, making wines and bottling their “nectar” for over 70 years, first with Guido and his father at the helm, and now with Paolo and Anna leading the business.

1943: the beginning

As a young boy Guido used to play among the barrels and entertain friends and clients who visited the wine cellar to buy the good wines. He eventually fell in love with the land, the craft and the results it yielded. When he grew up, he took over the reins of the company which until then had been led by his father. In time, Guido met Alfreda, who became his wife and mother of their two children, Gianluca (known as Luca) and Gianpaolo (known as Paolo): the first with a passion for engines; the second, on the other hand, resembled the young Guido who loved to play in the wine cellar and running through the rows of the vines. He used to ask his father Guido thousands of questions about this fascinating craft. After working away from the family business for a while, Paolo finally realized that his destiny was here, one step away from him right on his doorstep. And, as we all know so well, a first love is never forgotten.

1999: a new era

With his father’s blessing, Paolo kicks off a new era for the company. A memorable start, with a 150% increase in production and the birth of the Barbera d’Asti “Da Sul” which, in the Piedmont dialect, means “alone" (“da solo”) but, in this context, means "without oenologists". This wine allowed him to create his own identity among all the local producers. By word of mouth it grew in popularity and as “Da Sul” improved from year to year, it started to win important prizes. Now the Laiolo Reginin wines are exported to Switzerland, England, Germany, Denmark, Japan and Peru and of course over the whole of the Italian peninsula. This "clean-faced young man with peasant hands ", as described in the famous magazine "Barolo & Co", had come a long way with advice and critique. However, he still felt he had not yet arrived.

2004: Anna

Finally, Paolo meets Anna, who becomes his wife. Despite not having the same ambitions, Anna follows him step by step, helping him in his projects, spurred on by his enthusiasm, by his love for nature and the wine that becomes their joint passion. This love inspired one of the most exciting products of the company: the filtered sweet "Ad Anna, l’amore per il vino”. In September 2008 Alessia was born and, in January 2010, Nicolò, two beautiful children with joyful smiles, bright eyes and always eager to help. They too, like father and grandfather before them, love to run along the rows of vineyards, and among the barrels, entertaining friends and customers visiting the wine cellar. Déjà vu? The story goes on...
"And where there is no wine, there is no love; nor any other delight have the mortals".

...a curiosity!

The name “Reginin” stems from an ancient noble title that the Marquis of Scarampi attributed to those who worked with him and who were, therefore, considered to be “the Queen’s trusted men.”

Among the different Laiolo families present on the territory of Vinchio, only ours can boast of this precious title.
